Spring Checklist
I think we can all agree there are no positives from COVID 19. But are there a few silver linings, and if so, what are they? One might be the notion that it seems as though we all have a little extra time. Many factors contribute such as working from home, kid’s sports or commitments have ceased, no socializing with friends and family. Yes, that’s right, one thing we can almost all be certain of is we most likely have more time on our hands now, than we did last spring.
The other side is the daunting “to do list” which never seems to end, if not only grow larger. The work never ends for homeowners, right? After the long winter, now is better than ever to spend some time doing some home maintenance, repairs and cleaning up of the yard. We’ve compiled a simple checklist to help mitigate chance of loss, uncover winters ugly truths and get you ready for a brighter 2020. It is going to come!
1) Clean out the gutters and downspouts: Over time, gutters and downspouts can get clogged. Clogged gutters prevent water from draining away from your premises, as a result it only ends up in your basement. . Remove any debris, patch holes in your gutter with exterior grade caulking, and check your downspouts to ensure they are properly directing water away from your home.
2) Inspect the exterior foundation: Your foundation is often the source of water issues in your basement. Do a walk around of your home’s exterior, and check for cracks in the foundation as well as inspecting the exterior walls, siding, and brick for damage. If you identify issues, contact a foundation specialist to take a look.
3) Check your sump pump: Sump pump malfunction is a primary cause of water losses. Almost 70% of all homeowners claims is as a result of water! Test it. Fill a bucket of water and pour it into your sump pit so you can see the float rise. Once the float raises high enough to trigger your sump pump, you should hear it start to run and see the water begin to drain as it is pumped out of the pit. If your sump pump doesn’t kick in, try lifting the float lever a little higher in case you didn’t pour in enough water. If it still doesn’t start pumping, call in a professional to assess and fix the problem.
4) Check the AC and furnace: Spring is the perfect time to make sure your air conditioner or central air unit is working efficiently and ready for the summer. Check all the connections, change the filter, and if necessary, have it serviced by a qualified technician.
5) Check for leaks and signs of mould: Mould, a homeowners nightmare. This is important for all areas of your home. Take the time to inspect all windows, doors, bathrooms, and other areas where water damage could occur. Address mold issues immediately. If you have a large amount of mold, contact a mould remediation company to dispose of the mold properly.
6) Check the seals around exterior windows and doors: Cold weather causes cracks in the caulking around windows. Inspect all seals on windows and doors. Remove and recaulk if necessary. This will help prevent water from getting in and most likely reduce your energy bill.
7) Get out ladder and head up to Attic & Roof: After a cold winter, it’s important to check the attic to make sure no leaks have developed, no mice, insects or other critters have nested over the winter. Look for signs of mould and water damage. This would be an early indicator of turned up or missing shingles. Double check roof with a quick walk around the house.
8) Get out the outdoor furniture and BBQ: Now you can enjoy the fruits of the aforementioned labor. Be confident you’ve done your part in reducing your chance of a claim and keeping your property in good condition. Claims are very upsetting and some times can be avoided. 2020 has been stressful enough, a claim would only add to the frustrating, stress and anxiety of 2020!
9) Stay safe: From all of us here at CIB, we wish you nothing but the best in this unprecedented time. Enjoy the simplicity of your own home and enjoy some extra time with your family.
If you have any questions, concerns please don’t hesitate to contact our office. Although we are all working remotely, trust we will do everything we can to continue our superior service.